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Connection Oracle Message

Connection Oracle Message


This is a quick 10 card oracle pull to check in on a connection or to see what's going on around you in regards to your love life.


You can choose to have a self-read pull, or add on a written interpretation for an additional $20.


Please leave your name, your person's name (if applicable), and the email where you want me to send your message to in the note section.


Please allow one to three days for this message to be returned to you. 


Payment Issues:


Please communicate about any payment issues by sending an email to so that we can figure out an alternative method.




I am required by law to say that my readings are for entertainment purpose only. All readings are simply meant to be taken as guidance. I am not responsible for any choices or decisions you make as a result of my readings.


Twin Flame Scorpio will not provide any legal or medical information in a reading.

  • Refund Policy

    No refunds will be given at this time.

  • Turnaround Time

    Turnaround for this service is one to three days.

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