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Hi. My name is Caitlin, @twinflamescorpio.


Pursuing entrepreneurship ended up being the catalyst for my spiritual awakening.


That quickly led me towards discovering the concept of twin flames, which then led to a deep interest in tarot.


Through tarot, I have been able to create a tarot reading business and launch my very own products such as a variety of intention oils and body butters with more products to come.


Through sharing my own journey and knowledge, I want to help others on their own spiritual journey. My main goal is to help others find their true purpose or passion in life so they can go on to create the life of their dreams.


If you are interested in working one on one with me, please browse through my website. I offer a variety of readings or one on one sessions to help you find direction and clarity on your journey.


If you have any questions about me or any of my services, don't hesitate to contact me via email at


Please allow 24 to 48 hours for a response.




"The readings are on point. Very in-depth. She records her works as well which is pretty awesome in the terms of being accountable."

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